The wrong Mats wear out ridiculously fast and don’t work
We manufacture and install commercial entrance mats
that are spec’d correctly. Get the right advice.
Entrance mat failure makes you look bad.
The wrong mat will increase:
- the cost of cleaning,
- accelerate mat replacement,
- make the building look worn out.
And we don’t want that for you.
Our technical entrance mat solutions will last forever because we know how to specify:
- The correct cushion backing for the mat
- Surface preparation of the Mat-well
- Correct mat fibre for the workload
- The correct mat edging.
The right mat solution can prevent about 70% of dirt being walked into the building. Stop the dirt at the door.
Do it right
No one likes to redo their commercial entrances because they were not done right the first time.
Low expertise providers:
Do it right
Put the wrong product down
Don’t know what they are trying to do
Don’t have access to mats that are fit for purpose
This leads to early replacement of mats or damage to interior floors, which can be costly to replace.
When foot traffic is not guided over a technical entrance mat solution it quickly wears out the lobby flooring.
• Is your mat the correct width for the optimal walk-off distance?
• Has the correct edging been used?
• Have they been fitted correctly to reduce accidents?
We are experts in understanding how the 3 zones of commercial mats work together to create a barrier to stop dirt at the door:
- External zones need to trap heavy particles
- Internal zones need to control dust and retain moisture
- Circulatory zones need to transition high foot traffic into lower traffic areas
We manufacture and install 3 zone, modular, recessed, and fitted mats customised to your building and requirements.
Fitted or loose lay?
Which is better for your site?
Request a site visit and we will advise you.
We can interpret your foot count information to spec the right grade and design of your barrier mat solution.
The right mat helps with:
- Preventing injuries by complying with safety guidelines
- Correctly spec’d to cater for wheelchairs and trolleys
- The correct grade supplied based on your foot volume audit
- Looking after the environment by being sustainably manufactured